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Dressings for wound care methods

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Dressings for wound care methods

Whether wound care is correct is a factor that affects wound healing, so we need to understand how to properly handle wounds. There are two main points: pay attention to diet and prevent wound infection and suppuration.

During the wound healing process, do not eat foods that are prone to recurrence of wounds, such as barbecue and irritating foods, such as chili sauce, pepper and other heavy-flavored seasonings. In addition, carbonated beverages, sugar-sweetened beverages, etc. should also be avoided. You can eat some foods such as milk, lean meat, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, etc. that contain protein and vitamins, and avoid peppers, onions, garlic, leeks and other foods.

The wound should be cleaned with normal saline before dressing change, because normal saline is not cytotoxic to healthy tissues, and then the wound and surrounding tissues are smeared with iodophor, and then ointment is applied. If you want to speed up wound healing, new liquid dressings are used together .PREV:Use of liquid dressings in wound care methods
NEXT:How should wound care be done?